"Razed to the Ground" is a new documentary produced by Mwatana for Human Rights on violations committed by the warring parties against cultural property in Yemen during the ongoing armed conflict. The documentary covers six historic sites: the Old City of Sana’a, Al-Ashrafiya Mosque and Madrassa in Taiz, the City of Baraqish in Al-Jawf, the Old Ma’rib Dam, the City of Shibam in Hadhramaut, and the Touristic Pier in Aden. These six sites are among the 34 sites that were exposed to different types of attacks and Mwatana documented in its report "The Degradation of History: Violations Committed by the Warring Parties against Yemen’s Cultural Property" (released in November 2018). This report documents various types of violations and complex patterns of abuse that have affected many cultural objects in Yemen since the second half of 2014 and for three years.