Mwatana Celebrates the Launch of the Transitional Justice Forum

A Step Towards a National Vision for Equity, Accountability, and Redress

Thursday, September 26, 2024
Mwatana Celebrates the Launch of the Transitional Justice Forum

Mwatana for Human Rights is celebrating today, Thursday, September 26, 2024, the launch of the "Transitional Justice Forum," an independent civil coalition aimed at creating an open space for dialogue and sharing experiences and knowledge among various parties and active groups in Yemeni society.

The announcement of the forum— which commences its activities today— is part of Mwatana efforts to support the path of transitional justice in Yemen by providing effective inputs to guide transitional justice programs in the post-conflict phase and engaging the community in its diverse segments in this process. This is achieved by offering a platform that includes civil society organizations, unions, federations, independent initiatives, as well as media representatives, victims, lawyers, journalists, legal experts, and those interested and specialized in the field of human rights.

The forum, facilitated by Mwatana for Human Rights, aims to foster constructive discussions on transitional justice issues, including national reconciliation, accountability, reparations, the right to truth, social justice, guarantees of non-recurrence, and more. In addition, the goal is to develop inclusive national visions for the desired transitional justice requirements in Yemen, emphasizing the role of civil society in identifying priorities and potential solutions to address the ongoing challenges facing Yemen, which is weighed down by years of conflict.

It is worth noting that the launch of the forum coincides with an increasing need for constructive visions that can help create the conditions for genuine and effective transitional justice in the post-conflict phase, ultimately leading to sustainable peace. The forum reflects the desire of the Yemeni community across all its segments to address the legacy of violations that occurred during and prior to the years of conflict in responsible and sound ways. This will allow for the establishment of genuine pathways for victim redress and the transition towards a modern civil state based on equal citizenship, the rule of law, and the protection of rights and freedoms.

Moreover, Mwatana for Human Rights noted that the forum will comprise a diverse group of members, including civil society organizations, representatives of victim groups, lawyers, journalists, researchers, and judges. This initiative is part of a voluntary effort by Yemeni civil society, reflecting the commitment and determination of Yemeni women and men to achieve justice and sustainable change.

The launch of the Transitional Justice Forum at this critical juncture is an important step toward engaging the community in articulating their aspirations and needs and contributing to the development of visions that address them. This will empower the community to play an active role in providing solutions that ensure the rights of victims and society as a whole, thus contributing to the creation of a future that is more just, equitable, inclusive, and peaceful for everyone.

Furthermore, the Transitional Justice Forum serves as a collaborative space for exploring various visions and ideas, discussing proposals, understanding the fundamental issues faced by Yemeni society, and identifying mechanisms for addressing these challenges. It also involves examining previous experiences in transitional justice for guidance, recognizing potential challenges and obstacles to transitional justice, and proposing ways to overcome them. Ultimately, the forum aims to present shared visions that resonate with the aspirations of the community across all its segments and factions, while promoting the enhancement of human rights and freedoms in the future.