Civilians with disabilities caused by the armed conflict in Yemen

Persons with disabilities resulting from the armed conflict are part of the larger community of the disabled people in Yemen.  Despite the fact that this brief focuses primarily on civilians with disabilities resulting from the armed conflict in Yemen..

Thursday, February 24, 2022
Civilians with disabilities caused by the armed conflict in Yemen
Enمصغر ورقة السياسات

Evaluating the impact of disability and related accessibility problems through documented field cases

Download The BriefDownload The Research Paper February 24,2022This policy brief discusses the psychological, social and economic impacts that civilians with disabilities resulting from the armed conflict in Yemen. It highlights their suffering, needs and the aggravated obstacles they face, besides the limited support available to them. The paper also discusses their personal agency in adapting to the new normal. Finally, the paper offers practical recommendations and suggestions on the ways in which different actors can support persons with disabilities in a sustainable and sustained manner. Persons with disabilities resulting from the armed conflict are part of the larger community of the disabled people in Yemen. Despite the fact that this brief focuses primarily on civilians with disabilities resulting from the armed conflict in Yemen, many of the included topics in the brief apply to all people with disabilities. Whether they were disabled since birth, acquired them through diseases or as a result of injuries.