Forces Loyal to Hadi Must Immediately Release the Executive Director of Mwatana, Abdulrasheed al-Faqih

Mwatana demands al-Faqih’s unconditional and immediate release and holds Hadi’s government and forces loyal to him fully responsible for his wellbeing and the consequences of his detention

Thursday, June 14, 2018
Forces Loyal to Hadi Must Immediately Release the Executive Director of Mwatana, Abdulrasheed al-Faqih
عبدالرشيد الفقيه

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Al-Fakih detained at “Bab al-Falaj” Checkpoint in Marib Governorate

Sana’a- 14 June 2018

In the release issued today, Mwatana for Human Rights states that President Abd Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s government must immediately release Abdulrasheed al-Faqih, the Executive Director of Mwatana for Human Rights.At around 6:30 am, forces loyal to president Hadi detained al-Faqih at “Bab al-Falaj” checkpoint in Marib governorate. Al-Faqih was on his way to Seiyun city in Hadhramout governorate for the purpose of travelling abroad. Individuals dressed in Special Security Forces “former Central Security Forces” uniforms stopped the car he was on and confiscated his passport and cell phones. They asked al-Faqih for the phones’ passcodes for the purpose of searching them under the claim of suspicion. He was interrogated for around 2 hours and later; he was told that he would be taken to the security headquarters in Marib. Until this moment of writing this release, Al-Faqih’s cell phones remain switched off and Mwatana has not been able to contact him or ensure his wellbeing.Al- Faqih was travelling to seek medical treatment in addition to a mission that involves preparations for a training workshop in partnership with the European Union.Al-Faqih has been previously harassed by Ansar Allah group (Houthis) that confiscated his passport at Sana’a International Airport on 4 March 2016 upon his arrival from the Jordanian capital, Amman where he was participating in an international solidarity conference with Yemeni journalists, organized by the International Federation of Journalists, the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate and other international organizations.Mwatana demands al-Faqih’s unconditional and immediate release and holds Hadi’s government and forces loyal to him fully responsible for his wellbeing and the consequences of his detention.Mwatana stresses that such practices and attempts of silencing that the organization is subjected to will not stop the organization for resuming its work in documenting human rights violations that are committed by all sides, groups and authorities in Yemen. This will also not stop Mwatana from taking the full side of the voices of victims and their causes.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]