Towards Zero Detention Facilities

A Call to Action for the Release of Arbitrarily Detained and Forcibly Disappeared Civilians

Monday, March 18, 2024
Towards Zero Detention Facilities

Despite the passage of time, hundreds of civilian detainees and forcibly disappeared individuals languish in both official and unofficial detention facilities across various regions of Yemen. Their incarceration lacks legal justification, with no formal charges levied against them, and occurs outside the purview of public prosecution and judicial oversight. These detainees endure abhorrent conditions, in clear violation of national laws and international conventions, under the jurisdiction of all parties involved in the conflict.

As the sacred month of Ramadan approaches, we urgently appeal to all Yemeni stakeholders, including parties, actors, and community leaders, to take decisive steps towards releasing arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared civilians, while also striving towards the complete eradication of both official and unofficial detention centers. This endeavor is paramount in alleviating the myriad of detrimental consequences associated with arbitrary detention and forced disappearance practices, thereby ending the anguish endured by countless Yemeni individuals and their families. Our collective objective is to foster social harmony during this month of tolerance, compassion, and reconciliation, and to facilitate the reunification of detainees and forcibly disappeared individuals with their families and loved ones. It is their fundamental right to spend the remaining days of Ramadan with their families and loved ones.

Mwatana for Human Rights